How Can an Independent College Admissions Consultant Help You?
My clients have been admitted into 50+ different schools including (click here for the full list):​
Colorado State
Georgia State
Harvard Law School
Temple University
Student admitted with a full tuition scholarship
Texas A&M University
Texas Tech
Additional Resources to Assist Your Student's College Admissions Journey
College Board Ap Exam Overviews
Here is a link to College Board's Ap Exam Overviews as well as their FAQs.​
For more information click here!
Common Application
Common Application is a resource that allows students to easily research and apply for colleges.​
For more information click here!
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) is a program designed to help more students through college.​
For more information click here!
University of California Application
This is a link to the University of California's online scholarship and undergraduate admissions application.
For more information click here!
Induck is an online resource that gathers information on colleges by using student interviews.​
For more information click here!
Unigo has information on a wide range of different scholarships split into easy to understand categories.​
For more information click here!
A database that breaks down different colleges, places to live, and scholarships into simple search categories​.
For more information click here!
The College Essay Guy
A collection of college admissions resources put together by Ethan Sawyer, the College Essay Guy.
For the link to his website click here!
A good resource if you were wondering about the differences between weighted and unweighted gpa.
For more information click here!
Signet Education
A resource explaining the importance and function of school reports.
For more information click here!
Interesting Videos and Readings!
“Why did I say ‘yes’ to speak here?”
A speech given by Malcolm Gladwell at Google Zeitgeist where he argues that the success of students is measured by their relations with their peers as well as their ability.​
To listen to the speech click here!
The Truth About College Essays
The director of admissions at Virginia Tech speaks about college admissions essays, and how students need to stop overthinking their personal statement topics.​
To read the article click here!