Free 30 minute initial consultation
Packages can be adapted to individual needs
Unlimited Meetings. Up to 15 highly selective colleges.
Everything included in comprehensive package + the following:
5 additional colleges
Research Honors programs, guidance with Honors essays, applications, and interviews
Help with institutional scholarship applications
Applications to UK colleges
Applications to highly competitive accelerated programs: BS/MD programs, 3/2 Engineering Programs, Accelerated JD programs, etc.
Up to 10 colleges with supplemental essays.
Personality and Career Assessments
Guide Career Research as needed
Administer college preference questionnaires to students and parents
Compile student academic profile
Make recommendations re: test prep
Create preliminary college list
Guide student research about colleges
Curate final list of 8-10 schools
Interview preparation
Help with recommendation requests
Assistance brainstorming, drafting, and editing application essays
Help with supplemental essays
Meeting to discuss admissions decisions, if desired
Meetings to discuss next steps for college success, if desired
Up to 10 Meetings, designed to begin summer of Senior year
Compile student academic profile and resume
Help students fill out and proofread up to 2 application forms: Common App, Coalition for College, Apply Texas, or UC forms
Help with recommendation requests
Help student brainstorm, edit, and proofread personal statement
Designed for students who need help with something very specific
Assessment of skills and interests for career planning and major selection--3 meetings
For freshmen and sophomores: consultation on course selection and extracurricular and summer planning
Resume Creation--2-5 meetings
College List Creation--4 meetings + research
Essay brainstorming and editing--at least 4 meetings
Gap year planning--approx 5 meetings
Prepping for campus visits--2-3 meetings
Interview preparation--2 meetings
Transfer Applications--approx 10 meetings
Grad School Applications--approx 10 meetings